Dermatologist Meltem Şentürk ANTALYA

She became a physician in 1994 and a Skin Disease Specialist in 2000.

During her residency, she completed training in advanced dermatological procedures, dermatology-cosmetology, the use of lasers in dermatology at the University of Vrije in Belgium in 1998.

Based on the results of the basic and advanced courses in "dermato-cosmetic sciences" in Brussels, she successfully passed the exams in 1999 and received the "Certificate of Dermato-Cosmetic Sciences" which gives the right to work in Europe.

Dr Meltem Şentürk worked at Antalya State Hospital from 2000 to 2009 and then retired from the public sector due to an extremely busy schedule and continued to work only in her private clinic.

The DK Klinik private clinic founded by Meltem Sentürk in 2002 is one of the most renowned dermatology and cosmetology facilities in Antalya.

DK Klinik founded about 20 years ago annually provides services to hundreds of patients from all over the world, especially in the field of hair transplant and cosmetic procedures.

It is one of the first clinics to receive accreditation in the field of health tourism in Antalya.

The following are the national and international associations of which Dr Meltem Šentürk is a member:



Congresses, symposia and conferences attended by Dr. Meltem Şentürk

  • Conference on Skin Health, 2001 - Antalya, Turkey
    2001 yılı üniversite personeline verdiği cilt sağlığı konferansı 2001 yılı üniversite personeline verdiği cilt sağlığı konferansı
  • 2003 5. ICOS Cosmoderm - Istanbul, Turkey
    2004 yılı botoks tanıtımı toplantısı 3 2004 yılı botoks tanıtımı toplantısı 2 2004 yılı botoks tanıtımı toplantısı 1
  • 2003 Cosmoderm III and 5th International Cosmetics Symposium (ICoS) – İstanbul, Turkey
  • 2004 Botoks Enjeksiyonu Uygulamalı Bilgilendirme Konferansı - Antalya, Türkiye
  • 2005 14th European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV) Congress - London, UK
  • 2004 13th European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV) Congress - Florence, Italy
  • 2005 6th International Cosmetics Symposium (ICoS) – İstanbul, Turkey
  • 2006 15th European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV) Congress - Rhodes, Greece
  • 2009 IMCAS World Congress, The essence of dermatology, plastic surgery & aesthetic science – Paris, France
  • 2011 IMCAS World Congress, The essence of dermatology, plastic surgery & aesthetic science – Paris, France
  • 2013 Medical aesthetic industry congress & exhibition (IMCAS) – Moscow, Russia
  • 2015 24th European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV) Congress – Copenhagen, Denmark2015 Avrupa Dermatoloji Kongresi
  • 2015 Advanced Botulinum Toxine Application Symposium - İstanbul, Turkey
    2015 ileri botoks uygulamaları toplantısı
  • 2015 Advanced Thread lifting Methods - Tiflis, Georgia
    2015 İleri İplik Uygulamaları Teknikleri, Gürcistan 1 2016 İleri İplik Asma Yöntemleri Toplantısı 2
  • 2016 Mesotherapy Workshop - Barcelona, Spain
    2016 Mezoreapi Toplantısı, İspanya 1
  • 2016 Advanced Filler Technique in Cadaver - İstanbul, Turkey
    2016 Kadavra Uygulamalı Dolgu Teknikleri Güncellemesi Toplantısı 2016 Kadavra Uygulamalı Dolgu Teknikleri Güncellemesi Toplantısı 2016 Kadavra Uygulamalı Dolgu Teknikleri Güncellemesi Toplantısı
  • 2017 25th World Congress of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) - Prague, Czech Republic
    2017 Saç Cerrahisi Kongresi, ISHRS, Prag
  • 2017 The 16th Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine World Congress (AMVC) – Monaco, France
    2017 Anti-Aging Kongresi, Monaco 2 2017 Anti-Aging Kongresi, Monaco 1
  • 2017 Filler Applications, Last Uptade, Lyon - France
    2017 Dolgu Uygulamaları Son Teknikler, Fransa 2 2017 Dolgu Uygulamaları Son Teknikler, Fransa 1
  • 2018 IMCAS World Congress, The essence of dermatology, plastic surgery & aesthetic science – Paris, France
    2018 Estetik Kongresi, Paris 2 2018 Estetik Kongresi, Paris 1
  • 2018 13. Dermatolojide gelişmeler Sempozyumu – Antalya, Turkey
  • 2018 8. Kozmetik Dermatoloji Sempozyumu – Antalya, Turkey
  • 2018 Mezoterapi Konferansı - Antalya, Türkiye
    2018 Mezoterapi Konferansı
  • 2020 IMCAS World Congress, The essence of dermatology, plastic surgery & aesthetic science – Paris, France

2020 Estetik Kongresi, Fransa 2 2020 Estetik Kongresi, Fransa 1


  • National Dermatology Poster Award
  • B.I.D. “International Star Award for Quality” on behalf of the DK Klinik, 2013
  • WhatClinic “Customer Service Award” on behalf of the DK Klinik, 2014
  • WhatClinic “Customer Service Award” on behalf of the DK Klinik, 2015

Links to dermatology specialty dissertation

Behçet hastalığında serum ve deri nitrit düzeylerinin araştırılması (The Investigation of serum and skin levels of nitrite in patients with Behçet's disease):

Examples from scientific publications

Dermatolojide intravenöz immunglobulin tedavisi. Turkderm-Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol. 2000; 34(4): 249-253. https://journal.turkderm.org.tr/tr/jvi.aspx?un=TURKDERM-72523

Treatment of acne with intermittent and conventional isotretinoin: a randomized, controlled multicenter study: Arch Dermatol Res. 2007 Dec; 299(10): 467–473: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2094720/ ; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2094720/pdf/403_2007_Article_777.pdf ; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00403-007-0777-2

Serum and skin nitrite levels in patients with Behcet's disease: J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2003 Sep;17(5):614-5: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12941117/ ; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1468-3083.2003.00770.x?sid=nlm%3Apubmed

Accounts on scientific and professional sites

Google Scholar account: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=tr&user=TLzPem4AAAAJ

LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meltem-senturk-927034172/?originalSubdomain=tr


Medical Doctorate Diploma


Dermatology Specialization Certificate

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