DK Klinik Blog: Your Guide to Dermatology and Hair Transplant Tips #5
8 Things you Should Know Before Getting Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal can be applied to any area of the body. But...
It cannot be done on eyelids. In women legs, arms, armpits, and bikini areas are the most responsive areas to the laser. In men back, chest, shoulders, and stomach are target areas.
What we learned from 225 418 sessions of laser hair removal since 2002?
Since 2002 we provide our services in Antalya and the region. Laser hair removal makes the bigger part of all our services. We have performed 225 418 epilation sessions in 19 years.
Can I get laser hair removal in summer?
The weather warms up with the beginning of summer months. You start planning your holiday destinations, choose new summer looks and even reconsider your diet. You want to look fitter and plan on getting a smooth skin.
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Laser Hair Removal Center
Learn who exactly will apply the procedure
Today laser hair removal procedures are performed in many beauty centers and even hair salons.
Ice Laser, Iron Laser and IPL and Why we do not Recommend Them
In life, we strive for comfort, and by nature, many of us want more and more. A luxury house, the coolest car, the most delicious food, prosperous life, better family relationships ...
Comparison Of Laser Epilation Devices
People who decide to have laser hair removal very often try to learn which type of laser is effective for a particular area, and what are the differences between devices for laser hair removal.